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sim #

Constants #

const (
	default_rope_length     = 0.25
	default_bearing_mass    = 0.03
	default_magnet_spacing  = 0.05
	default_magnet_height   = 0.03
	default_magnet_strength = 10.0
	default_gravity         = 4.9
const (
	default_width  = 600
	default_height = 600

fn compute_result #

fn compute_result(request SimRequest) &SimResult

fn log #

fn log(info string)

log is a helper function to print debug info

fn new_grid_settings #

fn new_grid_settings(settings GridSettings) GridSettings

fn new_state #

fn new_state(state SimState) SimState

fn run #

fn run(params SimParams, settings RunnerSettings)

fn sim_params #

fn sim_params(params SimParams) SimParams

fn sim_worker #

fn sim_worker(id int, request_chan chan &SimRequest, result_channels []chan &SimResult)

fn vector #

fn vector(data Vector3D) Vector3D

vector creates a Vector3D passing x,y,z as parameteres

type SimFinishHandler #

type SimFinishHandler = fn () ?

type SimRequestHandler #

type SimRequestHandler = fn (request &SimRequest) ?

type SimStartHandler #

type SimStartHandler = fn () ?

struct GridSettings #

struct GridSettings {
	width  int = sim.default_width
	height int = sim.default_height

struct RunnerSettings #

struct RunnerSettings {
	grid       GridSettings
	on_request SimRequestHandler
	on_start   SimStartHandler
	on_finish  SimFinishHandler

struct SimParams #

struct SimParams {
	rope_length     f64 = sim.default_rope_length
	bearing_mass    f64 = sim.default_bearing_mass
	magnet_spacing  f64 = sim.default_magnet_spacing
	magnet_height   f64 = sim.default_magnet_height
	magnet_strength f64 = sim.default_magnet_strength
	gravity         f64 = sim.default_gravity

fn (SimParams) get_rope_vector #

fn (params SimParams) get_rope_vector(state SimState) Vector3D

fn (SimParams) get_forces_sum #

fn (params SimParams) get_forces_sum(state SimState) Vector3D

fn (SimParams) get_grav_force #

fn (params SimParams) get_grav_force(state SimState) Vector3D

fn (SimParams) get_magnet_position #

fn (params SimParams) get_magnet_position(theta f64) Vector3D

fn (SimParams) get_magnet_force #

fn (params SimParams) get_magnet_force(theta f64, state SimState) Vector3D

fn (SimParams) get_magnet_dist #

fn (params SimParams) get_magnet_dist(theta f64, state SimState) f64

fn (SimParams) get_magnet1_force #

fn (params SimParams) get_magnet1_force(state SimState) Vector3D

fn (SimParams) get_magnet2_force #

fn (params SimParams) get_magnet2_force(state SimState) Vector3D

fn (SimParams) get_magnet3_force #

fn (params SimParams) get_magnet3_force(state SimState) Vector3D

fn (SimParams) get_tension_force #

fn (params SimParams) get_tension_force(state SimState, f_passive Vector3D) Vector3D

struct SimRequest #

struct SimRequest {
	params SimParams
	state  SimState
	id int

struct SimResult #

struct SimResult {
	state SimState
	id               int
	magnet1_distance f64
	magnet2_distance f64
	magnet3_distance f64

struct SimState #

struct SimState {
	position Vector3D
	velocity Vector3D
	accel    Vector3D

fn (SimState) satisfy_rope_constraint #

fn (mut state SimState) satisfy_rope_constraint(params SimParams)

fn (SimState) increment #

fn (mut state SimState) increment(delta_t f64, params SimParams)

fn (SimState) done #

fn (state SimState) done() bool

struct Vector3D #

struct Vector3D {
	x f64
	y f64
	z f64

Vector3D is a 3D vector

fn (Vector3D) + #

fn (v Vector3D) + (v2 Vector3D) Vector3D


fn (Vector3D) * #

fn (v Vector3D) * (v2 Vector3D) f64

dot product

fn (Vector3D) scale #

fn (v Vector3D) scale(scalar f64) Vector3D

scale gets a scaled vector

fn (Vector3D) norm_squared #

fn (v Vector3D) norm_squared() f64

norm_squared returns the square of the norm of the vector

fn (Vector3D) norm #

fn (v Vector3D) norm() f64

norm returns the norm of the vector